Fair Play - Follow the white rabbit!

Easter time, time to follow the white rabbit to "Hubunny", before you are too late!
What will I find at the end of the hunt? Alice never asked herself the question, she just followed her
heart and a white rabbit into her adventure. Now it's up on you to risk that hunt...
Come along at "Hubunny" and discover a world full of magic and beauty.
All I can reveal is, that there will be many outstanding merchants, who offer their beautiful releases
themed by the genre "Gothic" and "Fantasy". The great "Jewel Gacha Hunt" and a small birthday surprise
for one year Fair Play. As always, each exclusive sale will donate at the end of the month 10% - 50%
to: Relay For Life Of Second Life & Team Fox For Parkinsons Research.
"Emerald City" Fantasy & Gothic Charity Event with the great "Jewel Gacha Hunt" http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hubunny/93/92/31 I hope you will enjoy the hunt!
Your's Kaleidos